Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Monday, October 12, 2015


We left our campground at 7 am without revisiting Tyto Wetlands.  I felt I had covered Tyto well enough the day before and with the 300 mile drive to Hillsborough National Park, and fighting weekend traffic, I wanted an early start.  After a brief wi-fi stop at McDonalds we found ourselves entering the park at 1 pm.  The park was busy and crowded, perhaps the most crowded park we had camped in so far. The lady at the check in was pleasant and reminded us that the cafe would be serving fish and chips for a couple hours that evening and if we wanted to get up early Sunday morning we could see kangaroos on the beach.  I tuned in to the kangaroo information while Edie tuned in to the fish and chips.  I knew what I was going to be served for the evening meal.
After setting up, I walked around and lost my interest in bird photography.  From past experience, I knew the hubbub would drive most birds high.  Furthermore, looking like the pied piper as curious children followed me about, was a scene I had endured too often.  Not much photography occurs as the same old questions arise, "What kind of telescope is that?" "How much power is that?" "Can see the eye on a gnat with that?"  Normally I am patient, but today relaxing with a field guide sounded the most enjoyable.  Besides my back hurt from yesterday.

We did a little exploring and almost tripped over two kangaroos laying in the sun by the laundry.  A lady explained that the two of them have been in the park for years and think they own it.

Waiting for the wash to dry
The variety of campers and accommodations in the park was endless.

Since it was the weekend, the beach had a lot of activity.

Early Sunday morning I walked down to the beach to see the promised kangaroos.  I had seen several pictures of kangaroos interacting with a fisherman on the park's website and thought that is what I might find.  What I found was somewhat of a disappointment.  Some park official had put piles of feed in a long line down to the water's edge.  Since it was the weekend a large mass of people and cameras had lined up to take pictures.  The whole thing seemed rather contrived.

I quickly walked up the beach to get an image I like better

The kangaroos disappeared soon after the feed was gone and we left for our next stop at Tannum Sands

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