Sunday, April 13, 2014

Indiana's Famous Deep Fried Breaded Pork Tenderloin Sandwich

Spending some of the cold winter months in Florida allows me to experience great birding, fishing, and occasionally some fine high school basketball.  At one of the games, I found myself sitting next to an Indiana restaurant owner named Dave Clapp.  Dave, besides being a fan of high school basketball, is an ambassador for the virtues of something called the "Indiana Deep Fried Breaded Pork Tenderloin Sandwich".  I was totally ignorant of this delicacy but rapidly became interested after viewing the documentary, . 

Dave was very persuasive and on the return trip to Michigan Edie and I left the interstate and entered the Indiana heartland headed for North Manchester.  This was an experience in itself as our speed slowed and time seemed to recede a few decades.  We slowed for tractors and Amish buggies on the road as well as the great architecture found in the small downtowns and neighborhoods we passed.  Our destination was Mr. Dave's Restaurant on the main street in North Manchester.   Nothing is flashy or showy in central Indiana but it  feels very comfortable. 

Dave's son, Kevin, runs the business now but Dave was also helping out when we walked through the door.  Both greeted us warmly.  In no time at all we were face to face with the famous sandwich. There was nothing fancy about the bun because the main attraction is the meat itself.  You can discuss grilling vs. deep frying, types and amounts of breading, seasoning,  and overhang ratios but in the end you have to taste it.  Put on your favorite condiments and remember that what is on your plate is the "filet mignon" of pork.

Mr. Dave's Restaurant in downtown North Manchester, Indiana


Dave Clapp and son Kevin

The famous pork tenderloin sandwich

If you can't make it to Indiana, check out this video on making your own.

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