Thursday, February 6, 2014

God is Love

In 1967, a 35 year old Korean war veteran, guitarist, auto body worker, and sometimes drifter named Leonard Knight sat alone in his van in San Diego and experienced a religious conversion.  Leonard immediately wanted to proclaim to everybody that "God is Love".  The rest of his life would be dedicated to proclaiming that simple truth.  He pondered how to get this message to people.  After seeing people's interest in an advertising hot air balloon he decided he would build his own.  He attempted to build one with a second hand sewing machine but after many years never got it off the ground.

In 1984 Leonard visited "Slab City" near Niland in the Arizona Desert.  Slab City, named for concrete slabs left from a deserted military base is the home of permanent off-the-grid squatters and seasonal snowbirds.  These renegade desert dwellers proudly declare it "the last free place on earth".  Indeed, no rent, no taxes, and no fees have caused occasional squabbles with the local government.


Leonard stayed at Slab City and at it's entrance began building a monument to "God is Love". It was soon dubbed Salvation Mountain.  He lived in his truck without electricity, gas, air conditioning, running water or heat.   His first attempt collapsed due to too much sand and too little concrete.  Leonard was not deterred.  He experimented with a successful mix of hay bales, local clay adobe, and 100,000 gallons of donated paint to stabilize and waterproof the structure.  It not only has survived the harsh environment but has grown to 50 feet in height and 150 feet wide. It has even been called a national treasure.  Leonard moved last year to a nursing home but at 82 makes occasional visits to his life's work.

A look up at the ceiling

The museum

Constant painting is necessary

A great way to finish a trip to Salvation Mountain is to drive the short distance to Thermal, California and try a date shake from the "Oasis Date Gardens".  You can see how dates are grown and sample many varieties.  Don't let the idea of dates in your shake stop you from trying one of the most delicious treats you can have.  You can add other flavorings if timid but going 100% dates is best.

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