Friday, April 29, 2011

The Burrowing Owls of Cape Coral

People love Burrowing Owls.  This small owl was very common in the Western United States, often nesting in empty prairie dog burrows.  As the prairie dog often would carry on it's activities on all four legs while the burrowing owl would remain regally erect some Indian tribes called it the "priest of the prairie dogs".  In eastern United States, Florida has a population throughout the southern part of the state and Cape Coral is the easiest place to view them. The city protects the birds and many of the citizens try to attract them to their yards.  Many of the vacant lots have nesting owls which are easy to locate by the perches, signs, and sometimes tape to protect them. 
I scouted the area around the city library and found at least two dozen active burrows.  At this time of year many of the pairs had young which were waiting outside the burrow for the adults to feed them.

Ma and Pa Burrowing Owls

The Youngstsers
Begging for Food

About mid-morning a threatening  thunderstorm finally delivered with a 30 minute shower.  At the risk of being very anthropomophic I propose the following titles:
"Hey, it is raining"

"Thunder scares me."

"I hate thunder storms":

"Mom told me to air dry".

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