Saturday, September 25, 2010

Magnificent Frigatebird at St. Joseph this week

Early Monday morning the word went out that a Magnificent Frigatebird had been sighted over the channel at St. Joseph.  For the next several days birders flocked out to see this tropical bird which probably had been swept in by the recent tropical hurricanes.  One of the few birds known to be able to ride out a hurricane in flight it can stay aloft for hours without flapping.  With very small feet it cannot walk on land and without waterproofing it cannot swim.  Therefore it must either perch or fly and with a huge eight foot plus wing span it rules the air.  Sometimes known as a Man-O-War Bird because of its piracy of fish from other birds it is a very adept at catching fish on it's own.  
 I arrived at Tiscornia Park wondering if it would still be there.  As I stepped out of my truck three birders were yelling and pointing in the air as the Frigatebird soared effortlessly directly overhead.  It put on quite a show for two more hours until it disappeared up the river.

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